How to Attract Money at Home

How to Attract Money at Home: Ancient Wisdom and Spiritual Practices!


In today's fast-paced world, everyone seeks abundance and prosperity in their lives. One of the fundamental aspects of achieving financial stability is creating a conducive environment at home that attracts positive energy and abundance. Drawing from ancient wisdom and spiritual practices, we explore holistic approaches to attract money into your home.

How to Attract Money at Home

How to attract money vastu:

Clear Clutter: 

Clutter blocks the flow of energy and prosperity. Keep your home tidy and clutter-free. Keep every corner clutter-free and well-lit to attract positive energy.

Sunlight and Fresh Air: 

Open windows to let in natural light and fresh air regularly. Sunlight and ventilation are essential for maintaining a healthy and vibrant energy flow in your home to attract money in simply.

Sunlight and Fresh Air to attract money

Direction of Wealth: 

Place your main door in the north or northeast direction, considered auspicious for attracting wealth. Ensure there are no obstructions blocking the entrance. Placing a symbol of wealth, like a piggy bank, or a wealth bowl filled with gemstones or coins in the southeast corner brings financial prosperity and attract money.

Attract Wealth

Water Features: 

Installing a fountain or fish tank in the north or northeast direction symbolizes the flow of wealth and prosperity into your home.


Use colors like green, purple, and gold in decor to symbolize wealth and prosperity.

Money Plant: 

Keep a healthy money plant in the southeast corner of your home to enhance financial growth and positivity.

Fix Leaks: 

Water represents wealth in Feng Shui. Fix any leaky faucets or pipes as dripping water symbolizes money going down the drain.

Place images or Symbols of Wealth:

Decorate your home with images or symbols of abundance like a Swastik, Lotus, golden coins, elephants, flowing fountain, laughing Buddha, wealth vases, or a three-legged toad facing inward.

Natural Elements: 

Incorporate natural elements like indoor plants, tabletop and fresh flowers to invigorate the energy of your space to attract money at home.

Activate Wealth Areas: 

Use Feng Shui bagua maps to identify wealth areas in your home and enhance the money corner with crystals, mirrors, or plants to attract money.


Place mirrors strategically to reflect abundance and double the wealth energy.

Traditional Vedas Practices:

Chanting sacred mantras like the Lakshmi Gayatri mantra or performing Lakshmi Puja invokes blessings for abundance and prosperity.

Positive Energy Enhancers:

  • Burn incense sticks or sage to purify the home's energy.

  • Use holy water like Ganga water for sprinkling in the house to invite positive vibrations.

  • Light desi ghee lamps to dispel negativity and usher in divine blessings.

Negative Energy Removal:

  • Keep your home clean and organized to prevent stagnant energy from accumulating.

  • Use saltwater or lemon water to cleanse the floors and corners to dispel negativity.

  • Avoid keeping dried flowers or plants in the house as they can attract stagnant energy.

  • Regularly smudge your home with sage or use salt lamps to absorb negative ions.

How to attract money by Lal kitab book:

Lal kitab powerful tips :

Silver: Follow Lal Kitab remedies like keeping a solid silver coin in a red pouch in the north direction of your home to attract financial stability.

Feed the birds: Scatter grains or bird feed regularly, especially for pigeons and crows, on your rooftop.

Donating: On Saturdays, donate mustard oil or black mustard seeds to a temple or religious institution. Treat poor children to sweets, chocolates, or ice cream. Make sure to feed cows green fodder, spinach, or roti daily. Also, consider donating milk or rice to those in need.

Watering Sacred Trees: Regularly water a Peepal tree and Banyan tree, especially on Thursdays. It's believed to bring prosperity to your home.

Water Rituals: Every morning at sunrise, offer water to the Sun. Additionally, if possible, offer a drink of water to anyone in need.

Feed Monkeys: Give jaggery and gram pulses to monkeys as a treat.

How to attract money astrology:

Know Your Money Houses:

According to astrology, certain houses in your birth chart govern wealth and finances. Understanding these houses can help you align your efforts for attracting money.

Strengthen Beneficial Planets:

Planets like Jupiter and Venus are associated with wealth and abundance. Strengthen them through rituals, mantras, or wearing gemstones like yellow sapphire or emerald.

Astrological Remedies:

Consult an astrologer for personalised remedies based on your birth chart, such as performing specific rituals, wearing astrological rings, or chanting mantras to appease malefic planets.

Spiritual Practices to attract money:

  • Gratitude: Cultivate an attitude of gratitude by acknowledging and appreciating the abundance already present in your life.
  • Visualization: Visualize your financial goals as already achieved, manifesting them into reality through the law of attraction.
  • Solar Meditation: Practice meditation techniques that connect you with the energy of the Sun. Close your eyes and visualize a brilliant golden light emanating from the Sun, filling your entire being with warmth, vitality, and abundance. Feel this radiant energy cleansing and rejuvenating your mind, body, and spirit, and affirm your intentions to attract money and prosperity effortlessly.
  • Positive Affirmations: Repeat affirmations like "I am worthy of abundance" or "Money flows to me effortlessly" to reprogram subconscious beliefs.
  • Give & Take formula: When you give selflessly, you naturally receive all that you desire. It's a process of giving and receiving formula, but without any selfish intentions.
  • Volunteer Work: Engage in volunteer activities. Serving others can attract money at your home by universe.
  • Karma Yoga: Engage in selfless service and acts of kindness to create positive karma, which attracts abundance and money at your home.
  • Be a witness: Whenever you meet anyone—be it a person, bird, or animal—see them as a divine presence in front of you. Acknowledge that your actions are not truly yours; they are expressions of the divine energy flowing through you, and you are merely a witness to each of these moments.

In this vast universe, there exist souls who radiate an innate magnetism, drawing unto themselves all that they envision, despite the harshness of reality. Indeed, truth can sometimes be uncompromising. As we traverse this journey, we unknowingly receive the precious gift of life from our world, exhaling gratitude in the form of carbon dioxide. Yet, in this divine dance, we find reciprocity and harmony, as our exhale returns as oxygen, a testament to the interconnectedness of all things.


By integrating these practices into your home and daily life, you can create a conducive environment that attracts money, prosperity, and abundance. Remember to stay positive, proactive, and open to the flow of wealth and opportunities.

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